The Grid is the Green Energy Transition’s Weakest Link

By PLM Green Global Alliance contributor and green energy moderator Mark Reisig, Executive Consultant and Sustainability Practice Director from CIMdata.

Decarbonization, the use of renewable energy, electric mobility, heating solutions, and the energy transition will only occur if a smart, secure, distributed grid is completed in time. A simple analogy would be building a house without a foundation. Now, let’s project out to 2030. Suppose you recharge your electric vehicle (EV) with electricity from the existing grid. In that case, the energy could still originate from fossil fuels because an intended renewable energy project was not completed or could not connect to the existing grid. In this scenario, the EV helps our decarbonization efforts, but the energy used to make the electricity doesn’t. Ideally, we would recharge EVs with electricity over a smart grid from renewable sources with zero emissions.

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PLM Green Announces Participation of CIMdata and Mark Reisig

The PLM Green Global Alliance (PGGA) enthusiastically announces that CIMdata Executive Consultant Mark Reisig will be participating in our PLM Green initiative with the support of CIMdata, the leading global Product Lifecycle Management strategy consulting and research firm.

PLM Green’s nonprofit-like mission is to educate, advocate, and collaborate across the boundaries of technical disciplines, different industries, and international borders to advance the use of PLM in the transition to a sustainable decarbonized circular economy. As a result, the PGGA’s five core research themes include examining the intersection of PLM with: Sustainability, Green Energy, Circular Economy, Climate Change, and Life Cycle Assessment.

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